Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Toddler memo: Don't F with dad!

Family harmony broke down at Zoo Atlanta last week, when gorilla dad Taz broke toddler twin Kazi's leg after she messed with his raisins one too many times.

Nut graf from the AJC:

"He yelled at her" when the youngster grabbed his raisins, he said. He yelled again when she came back for more.

When she came back a third time, the 19-year-old took his daughter to the simian equivalent of the woodshed.

"He picked her up and bit her on the leg," Lawson said. Kazi yelped and scooted back to her brother, Kali, and mom, Kuchi. Taz, order restored, finished his raisins.
Sure, gorilla dad obviously went too far. But as anybody who has experienced an actual todder living in their breathing space knows, the pot can, and doth, boil over.

Kazi will heal up and get over it. She's a good kid.

(Pix: Jake and some other kid wonder what the heck got into that gorilla. It's probably Kazi.)

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